woensdag 21 december 2016

Staying Safe in Benevent l'Abbaye.

The Godson Cult.

It has taken close to 20 years for me to feel strong enough to talk about what happened in Wicklow. It is now the end of  the year 2016 and the pain and guilt I feel still poisons every day of my life.
By chance I met Chris and Clare Godson when they were just settling into a new home in Wicklow. They spoke with fulsome pride of their time as "Christian" missionaries. The first Lie!
I helped them settle in and make friends. They charmed with their tales of "good works" and kindness. I should have noticed the peculiar behaviour of Clare Godson to my two daughters at this time, but I had not heard of grooming and could not anticipate the depths the Godsons were willing to go to. My two daughters approximately 11yo and 14yo at the time were pretty innocent and trusted Clare Godson. I allowed my daughters to visit the Godsons frequently supposedly to become friends with the two Godson children. They had a rather cowed nervous little boy and a young daughter who seemed surprisingly sexually aware. I would drive my two daughters over to their house and because of this I feel I was complicit in their appalling sexual abuse by Clare Godson and her husband.
At this stage we were enthralled and convinced by the Godsons, even spending one Christmas with them. My oldest daughter begged to stay on that evening with her friend. This was the first time she had stayed away from home. It was that evening she was drawn into what people now call the "Godson Cult." That evening she lost her virginity and innocence. She reproaches me now for giving my permission to letting her stay with the Godsons.
While they were in Ireland the Godsons steamed ahead gathering around themselves a rather sickly group of desciples and recruits. The recruits were drawn, but we did not know it at the time, by the promise of underage sex with the Godson daughter and my children too. They held "Christian" Birthday Parties in their garden and used that as an opportunity to trap and groom other little girls in the area.
Time went by and I stupidly thought the changes in my older daughter were something to do with being a teenager. The changes were due to her being involved in group sex sessions with the Godsons and their growing group of desciples. My youngest daughter was raped at one of the "Christian" Birthday Parties. I knew something terrible had happened but I thought it was to do with a row with her best school friend. I had no idea she was in physical pain.
Another puzzle was how the immediate neighbours of the Godsons went from amiable smiles to glaring at visitors to the Godsons. The Godsons lied to me and said it was over a boundary dispute. It was in fact because the Godson House had become a brothel for teenage girls including my oldest daughter. My oldest daughter was being sold to local councillors, local Garda, local tradesmen in return for their silence and cooperation. My 14yo was the prime attraction together with the Godson daughter.
Suddenly, the Godsons were gone. Everything packed up and transported so rapidly that no one knew what to think.
I write this because Chris & Clare Godson have been in France for 11years and apparently are up to the same tricks again. Now they have websites: fossepro.com and pilgrim23.com. They have a "Christian" B&B designed to snare pilgrims. I hope this article saves a family from the pain we still feel 20 years later. 


A survivor says:     thank you so much for your Blog (lacreusehostsevilcult.blogspot.com). It gives me not only hope, but maybe some strength too. I am very saddened about the threats you have received from Chris and Clare Godson. I wish you the courage to go on exposing these people for what they really are!
A. (Wicklow) Ireland.
NB.   The properties purchased by the Godsons in Benevent l’Abbaye contain deep dungeonlike cellars/caves. At Kelleher Newsdesk we worry about the implications of these dungeons given the previous history of Chris and Clare Godson. They have a obsession with masses and orgies combined very like the Kidwelly cult of Colin Batley. Previous victims speak of terrible abuse in theatrical masses conducted in cellars.
We fear for the well-being of anyone falling into their web.
We will shortly be re-publishing updated self-protection guidelines for people finding themselves the subject of attention by Chris and Clare Godson.

The Godson Cult in action:
The Godson Cult has done everything in its power to silence these claims of abuse and dismiss them as baseless.
They deny the well-founded and sworn testimony of abuse that we have in our archives and supplied to us by traumatized victims of Chris and Clare Godson.
Despite all of the vast and varied claims against him from around the world, and spanning from the creepy to the criminal in the case of most allegations against him, Godson still seems untouchable!
Even a strong admirer/devotee of Godson basically admits he’s a perv!
Let’s face it:  no one likes Clare……….
Kelleher Newdesk takes a position on the future management of Chris and Clare Godson:
It is Kelleher newsdesks’ position that all child sex offenders should be sentenced indefinitely with a minimum custodial period set by a specialist judiciary, followed by a mandatory conditional release
period and on-going monitoring and treatment.
This treatment needs to include individually-tailored case management and risk assessment utilising a battery of reliable tools.
Offenders of the Godson type should only be considered for release on the completion of their term of detention, and/or when they have demonstrated to the satisfaction of a specialist “risk management board” that they have successfully completed rehabilitation and their risk of harm to the community is negligible. Obviously, work that directly puts them into contact with vulnerable members of the public like the presently operated B&B, gites or so-called “pilgrim dormitory” should be forbidden by the Court/Tribunal in the appropriate jurisdiction.
“People of this type show no guilt/remorse and only cry when a Judge suggests a long and deserved sentence for their paedophile crimes.”
Some of the harrowing accounts of abuse in the Godson Cult have been edited or disguised to protect the victims and their confidentiality. This editing has been necessary because the victims have been subjected to intolerable harassment and vindictiveness by Chris and Clare Godson. This harassment has included: hoax phone calls; threats to employment; threats to the children of victims; threats to relatives/parents of victims of Chris and Clare Godson.

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