March | 2014 | Cammino di Santiago Safety Guidelines for ...
make sure that you inform friends and family if you are forced to stay in Godson Cult operated gites or B&B in Benevent l ... with Chris Godson do not be ...
The Godson Cult.
It has taken close to 20 years for me to feel strong enough to talk about what happened in Wicklow. It is now the end of the year 2016 and the pain and guilt I feel still poisons every day of my life.
By chance I met Chris and Clare Godson when they were just settling into a new home in Wicklow. They spoke with fulsome pride of their time as "Christian" missionaries. The first Lie!
I helped them settle in and make friends. They charmed with their tales of "good works" and kindness. I should have noticed the peculiar behaviour of Clare Godson to my two daughters at this time, but I had not heard of grooming and could not anticipate the depths the Godsons were willing to go to. My two daughters approximately 11yo and 14yo at the time were pretty innocent and trusted Clare Godson. I allowed my daughters to visit the Godsons frequently supposedly to become friends with the two Godson children. They had a rather cowed nervous little boy and a young daughter who seemed surprisingly sexually aware. I would drive my two daughters over to their house and because of this I feel I was complicit in their appalling sexual abuse by Clare Godson and her husband.
At this stage we were enthralled and convinced by the Godsons, even spending one Christmas with them. My oldest daughter begged to stay on that evening with her friend. This was the first time she had stayed away from home. It was that evening she was drawn into what people now call the "Godson Cult." That evening she lost her virginity and innocence. She reproaches me now for giving my permission to letting her stay with the Godsons.
While they were in Ireland the Godsons steamed ahead gathering around themselves a rather sickly group of desciples and recruits. The recruits were drawn, but we did not know it at the time, by the promise of underage sex with the Godson daughter and my children too. They held "Christian" Birthday Parties in their garden and used that as an opportunity to trap and groom other little girls in the area.
Time went by and I stupidly thought the changes in my older daughter were something to do with being a teenager. The changes were due to her being involved in group sex sessions with the Godsons and their growing group of desciples. My youngest daughter was raped at one of the "Christian" Birthday Parties. I knew something terrible had happened but I thought it was to do with a row with her best school friend. I had no idea she was in physical pain.
Another puzzle was how the immediate neighbours of the Godsons went from amiable smiles to glaring at visitors to the Godsons. The Godsons lied to me and said it was over a boundary dispute. It was in fact because the Godson House had become a brothel for teenage girls including my oldest daughter. My oldest daughter was being sold to local councillors, local Garda, local tradesmen in return for their silence and cooperation. My 14yo was the prime attraction together with the Godson daughter.
Suddenly, the Godsons were gone. Everything packed up and transported so rapidly that no one knew what to think.
I write this because Chris & Clare Godson have been in France for 11years and apparently are up to the same tricks again. Now they have websites: and They have a "Christian" B&B designed to snare pilgrims. I hope this article saves a family from the pain we still feel 20 years later.
I must admit that as soon as I hear “wholesome” I know something may well be wrong.
Anyone answering the Godson adverts is like someone invited into a snake-pit or given a free pass to a “test our quick sand” event.The danger is obvious with a snake-pit but slightly less obvious when you realise that they originally blazoned their adverts with words like “Christian,” and “former missionaries.” I must admit that as soon as I hear “wholesome” I know something may well be wrong.
Just Google “Chris and Clare Godson” and an absolute pit of depravity is discovered!
Our WHISTLEBLOWER Blogs about Chris and Clare Godson have received 18,998 visits in the last month, an absolutely extraordinary record!
As the sun starts to catch the pretty buildings of Benevent l’Abbaye it is time to remind our readers that the UPDATED GUIDELINES for protecting yourself from Chris and Clare Godson this Spring 2013 are available on this WHISTLEBLOWER Blog!
These GUIDELINES are essential reading if you find yourself forced to come into contact with this evil couple! A number of tourist websites still hold adverts for the “Christian B&B” etc.
Benevent l’Abbaye is blighted by this abusive paedophile cult.
Below we include some recent email correspondence with a major
Anglo/French help agency that asked for advice about the “activities” of
Chris and Clare Godson:
Dear **********************,
Firstly, please be aware that you must take every possible step to
protect the identity of your contact(s), your organisation, and your own
identity from the Godson couple.
Only the journalists and correspondents of Kelleher Newsdesk know the depths of vindictiveness normal to Chris and Clare Godson.
If you have been approached by the Godsons to post adverts or
business cards do not openly deny them this request as this will provoke
them to extremes you are not prepared for!
Just, quietly, put the Godson adverts in a dusty box and say nothing!
France has some of the most potent anti-sect/cult legislation in
Europe and we are confident that the Godsons infringe these laws by
cloaking their abusive cult under “Christian B&B” and “pilgrim
dormitory” etc.
Certainly in Benevent l’Abbaye the Godsons and their sickly set of
adherents hold over twenty properties. And, their influence seems to be
Kelleher Newsdesk is based in Dublin and mostly provides freelance
services to the *********************** and various radio stations.
We have a number of projects on the “go” at the moment, but we are probably most incensed by the Godson case.
The Irish authorities are finally rousing themselves from their
customary lethargy and taking up the investigation and a warrant is
being processed, and it was in the Irish Republic that the Godsons had
the freedom to inflict terrible harm with a degree of political
protection that has astonished us.
We have a number of correspondents in la Creuse and they are
retired journalists. One of our principal correspondents lives almost
opposite to the Godsons and reports to us at great risk to himself! The
Godsons know who he is, and our correspondent is at pains to check his
car every day.
I am very sorry that Paul Kelleher is away and that I must answer
your questions less expertly. The Godsons are a hybrid version of COG
(the Children of God) and very often referred to as the Family
International (USA). I am sure that the names were intended to convey
an unworldly almost hippyish glow of virtue. However, the cult was
designed as a money making machine with the additional perk of
“sanctified” underage sex. It has over the years routinely changed its
name to conceal its true nature. Looney splinter groups abound in Europe
and Asia.
Please very quietly advise your contacts to avoid any business or
social dealings with the Godsons as they are now completely unstable and
capable of anything……………………..
The Kidwelly Cult managed to operate, seducing girls of 11yo, for
approximately twenty years unchallenged. We have experienced just how
hamfisted law enforcement can be and seen victims put in jeopardy by the
very people who should have protected them from the Godsons. This is
why we urgently advise you to act with caution. Tourist and ex-pat
websites seem more interested in Godson cheques than dropping adverts.
We have speculated that ****************** hierarchy has been
compromised in some way but have no evidence on this! In Ireland we have
concrete evidence that various people in powerful positions were
compromised by the Godson couple.
We did some low-key research in to your organisation because we
have had some instances of the Godsons trying to “hack” into our emails
and other communications. So we are now extremely cautious in our
contacts and like to establish who we are dealing with! In fact, we are
now almost as paranoid as the Godson couple.
My experience of people in your former profession is that they are
fearless in taking on the powers of darkness and oblivious to the risk,
always confident that in a civilized society good will triumph! Please,
please realise that the Godsons abide by rules beyond any normal
person’s comprehension and that you may find yourself forced to exercise
precautions alien to your present way of life. They are truly
paedophiles with a grudge!
Please contact Paul kelleher in another week on our usual email.
On the day of your email we received 70 visits to our WHISTLEBLOWER Blog! The normal number is 20+
Robert Cahill.
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 07:26:26 +0000
Subject: Chris and Clare Godson
Dear Paul Kelleher,
I am the President of the ***********************************, ***********************.
My role,
provides support to English people in distress. So far most of our
problems have been around domestic violence and partner abuse, divorce,
and poverty. I have worked with the gendarmerie and Social services on
In this role I have been approached by a member, who asked me to
Google ‘Clare and Chris Godson’ on the internet. To say I was surprised
would be an understatement. I have heard of Chris Godson as a fosse
septique builder, but nothing else. This is all news to me and I found
it very disturbing. Although Benevent
*****************************************it’s a long way in Creuse
terms, and we have no members there, so we have heard nothing.
I have a number of questions that I hope you may be able to answer.
1. Is there an active investigation taking place in Ireland that could result in a European Arrest Warrant?
2. Have you or anyone else talked to the editors
*********************************************asking why they are
carrying the Godson’s adverts in the light of the allegations made on
the net. Are they aware of the allegations?
3. I can’t find anything on the net about the Godson’s activities in the USA. Can you point me to some links?
was very surprised a) how seriously they took it and b) how sensitively
they dealt with her.
5. who are you and where are you based (roughly – I don’t need an address)
Any up to date information you can give me would be helpful. I feel
I have been handed a ticking bomb and am not sure what to do with it.
I’m an
I’m not keen on paedophiles or evangelicals.
Yours *****************************************************
The above email has been edited to protect the identity of the poster and the associated organisation;
A paedophile network with chilling similarities to the cult in Benevent l’Abbaye:
Portsmouth paedophile ring: Four found guilty
Daniel Bell, Mark Day and John Maddox had all denied the charges against them
2 November 2011 Last updated at 17:34
A woman who ran an international paedophile ring with her partner has been convicted, along with four men.
Melissa Noon, 30, and Robert Hathaway, 36, of Hampshire, set up a nudist forum website as cover for the “shocking” sex abuse of two children aged under 13.
Four other men linked to the abuse network were also found guilty of child sex offences at Portsmouth Crown Court.
Noon, Simon Hilton, Daniel Bell, Mark Day, and John Maddox had denied the offences. Hathaway admitted 26 charges.
Twister game
Police seized thousands of indecent images of children and videos of abuse.
The court heard how Noon and ringleader Hathaway, 36, both of of Tyseley Road, Portsmouth, used the internet to discuss the abuse of children with some of the other defendants and arranged to meet some of them to carry out further sexual assaults on their young victims.
The abuse included rape, attempted rape and the use of sex aids and police seized more than 20 of these from Noon and Hathaway, the jury heard.
The children were also made to engage in naked wrestling and play the game Twister in the nude.
Over a period of two years, the couple also used their nudist website to distribute indecent photos and videos of children.
Kerry Maylin, prosecuting, said the abuse had involved “like-minded people” around the world.
Hampshire police were tipped off by the authorities in Australia in December last year after police there uncovered a “mirror image” ring, in which a young child was also abused.
Child rapes admitted
Hathaway had been in contact with this ring and shared images with them. One of the charges faced by Noon was her encouraging the Australian child to engage in sexual activity.
Noon’s convictions included three charges of causing a child to engage in sexual activity, one of causing a child to watch a sexual act, two of sexual assault of a child, two of arranging a child sex offence, one of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and two of possessing indecent photographs of children.
Hilton, 29, of Wolsey Road, London, was convicted of one charge of arranging a child sex offence.
Day, 45, of Whitefriars Meadow, Sandwich, Kent, was found guilty of one charge of arranging a child sex offence.
Bell, 27, a serving soldier, of Emsworth, was found guilty of two charges of possessing indecent photos of children and one of attempting to distribute an indecent image of children. He was found not guilty of two charges of arranging a child sex offence.
Maddox, 46, of Ellis Avenue, Rainham, Essex, was convicted of a charge of causing a child to engage in sexual activity.
Released on bail
The trial heard that Hathaway had previously pleaded guilty to 26 offences, including the rape and sexual assault of two children under the age of 13 and possessing indecent images of children.
Another three men have also already pleaded guilty to their part in the paedophile ring.
Stephen Fraser, 41, of Hemingford Road, Cambridge, admitted 27 charges, including sexual assault of a child, causing a child to engage in sexual activity, engaging in sexual activity in front of a child, arranging a child sex offence and possessing indecent images of children.
Lee Parson, 38, of Arundel Street, Portsmouth, pleaded guilty to arranging a child sex offence, possessing indecent photos of children and taking indecent photos of children.
Jonathan Garner-Harris, 37, a teacher, who lived at Marrick Priory, Marrick, North Yorkshire, was investigated by Durham police and admitted at Durham Crown Court 20 offences, including inciting a child sex offence and 17 counts relating to indecent photos of children.
The judge adjourned the case until 19 December for sentencing, with Bell, Maddox and Day likely to be sentenced separately on a date to be set in January.
He remanded Noon and Hilton in custody and released Bell, Maddox and Day on bail.
All defendants were ordered to sign the sex offenders register.
There are only two basic outcomes of a criminal case, guility or not guilty. The judge or jury does not have the option of finding someone innocent. A person does not walk away from a court case having been found “innocent”. The presumption of innocence operates at the start and in the course of the trial. It basically means that it is up to the prosecution to prove its case. That means the onus is on the prosecution to come with evidence in support of the person’s guilt. If there is no evidence, or no compelling evidence, that doesn’t constitute a “legal loophole”, it means that there isn’t a convincing case against the person.
The difficulty of securing a conviction based only on the evidence of a child has long been recognised and there have been some reforms to overcome that difficulty while maintaining the presumption of innocence.
2 November 2011 Last updated at 17:34
A woman who ran an international paedophile ring with her partner has been convicted, along with four men.
Melissa Noon, 30, and Robert Hathaway, 36, of Hampshire, set up a nudist forum website as cover for the “shocking” sex abuse of two children aged under 13.
Four other men linked to the abuse network were also found guilty of child sex offences at Portsmouth Crown Court.
Noon, Simon Hilton, Daniel Bell, Mark Day, and John Maddox had denied the offences. Hathaway admitted 26 charges.
Twister game
Police seized thousands of indecent images of children and videos of abuse.
The court heard how Noon and ringleader Hathaway, 36, both of of Tyseley Road, Portsmouth, used the internet to discuss the abuse of children with some of the other defendants and arranged to meet some of them to carry out further sexual assaults on their young victims.
The abuse included rape, attempted rape and the use of sex aids and police seized more than 20 of these from Noon and Hathaway, the jury heard.
The children were also made to engage in naked wrestling and play the game Twister in the nude.
Over a period of two years, the couple also used their nudist website to distribute indecent photos and videos of children.
Kerry Maylin, prosecuting, said the abuse had involved “like-minded people” around the world.
Hampshire police were tipped off by the authorities in Australia in December last year after police there uncovered a “mirror image” ring, in which a young child was also abused.
Child rapes admitted
Hathaway had been in contact with this ring and shared images with them. One of the charges faced by Noon was her encouraging the Australian child to engage in sexual activity.
Noon’s convictions included three charges of causing a child to engage in sexual activity, one of causing a child to watch a sexual act, two of sexual assault of a child, two of arranging a child sex offence, one of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and two of possessing indecent photographs of children.
Hilton, 29, of Wolsey Road, London, was convicted of one charge of arranging a child sex offence.
Day, 45, of Whitefriars Meadow, Sandwich, Kent, was found guilty of one charge of arranging a child sex offence.
Bell, 27, a serving soldier, of Emsworth, was found guilty of two charges of possessing indecent photos of children and one of attempting to distribute an indecent image of children. He was found not guilty of two charges of arranging a child sex offence.
Maddox, 46, of Ellis Avenue, Rainham, Essex, was convicted of a charge of causing a child to engage in sexual activity.
Released on bail
The trial heard that Hathaway had previously pleaded guilty to 26 offences, including the rape and sexual assault of two children under the age of 13 and possessing indecent images of children.
Another three men have also already pleaded guilty to their part in the paedophile ring.
Stephen Fraser, 41, of Hemingford Road, Cambridge, admitted 27 charges, including sexual assault of a child, causing a child to engage in sexual activity, engaging in sexual activity in front of a child, arranging a child sex offence and possessing indecent images of children.
Lee Parson, 38, of Arundel Street, Portsmouth, pleaded guilty to arranging a child sex offence, possessing indecent photos of children and taking indecent photos of children.
Jonathan Garner-Harris, 37, a teacher, who lived at Marrick Priory, Marrick, North Yorkshire, was investigated by Durham police and admitted at Durham Crown Court 20 offences, including inciting a child sex offence and 17 counts relating to indecent photos of children.
The judge adjourned the case until 19 December for sentencing, with Bell, Maddox and Day likely to be sentenced separately on a date to be set in January.
He remanded Noon and Hilton in custody and released Bell, Maddox and Day on bail.
All defendants were ordered to sign the sex offenders register.
There are only two basic outcomes of a criminal case, guility or not guilty. The judge or jury does not have the option of finding someone innocent. A person does not walk away from a court case having been found “innocent”. The presumption of innocence operates at the start and in the course of the trial. It basically means that it is up to the prosecution to prove its case. That means the onus is on the prosecution to come with evidence in support of the person’s guilt. If there is no evidence, or no compelling evidence, that doesn’t constitute a “legal loophole”, it means that there isn’t a convincing case against the person.
The difficulty of securing a conviction based only on the evidence of a child has long been recognised and there have been some reforms to overcome that difficulty while maintaining the presumption of innocence.
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