It has taken close to 20 years for
me to feel strong enough to talk about what happened in Wicklow. It is
now the end of the year 2016 and the pain and guilt I feel still
poisons every day of my life.
By chance I met Chris and Clare
Godson when they were just settling into a new home in Wicklow. They
spoke with fulsome pride of their time as "Christian" missionaries. The
first Lie!
I helped them settle in and make friends. They charmed
with their tales of "good works" and kindness. I should have noticed the
peculiar behaviour of Clare Godson to my two daughters at this time,
but I had not heard of grooming and could not anticipate the depths the
Godsons were willing to go to. My two daughters approximately 11yo and
14yo at the time were pretty innocent and trusted Clare Godson. I
allowed my daughters to visit the Godsons frequently supposedly to
become friends with the two Godson children. They had a rather cowed
nervous little boy and a young daughter who seemed surprisingly sexually
aware. I would drive my two daughters over to their house and because
of this I feel I was complicit in their appalling sexual abuse by Clare
Godson and her husband.
At this stage we were enthralled and
convinced by the Godsons, even spending one Christmas with them. My
oldest daughter begged to stay on that evening with her friend. This was
the first time she had stayed away from home. It was that evening she
was drawn into what people now call the "Godson Cult." That evening she
lost her virginity and innocence. She reproaches me now for giving my
permission to letting her stay with the Godsons.
While they were
in Ireland the Godsons steamed ahead gathering around themselves a
rather sickly group of desciples and recruits. The recruits were drawn,
but we did not know it at the time, by the promise of underage sex with
the Godson daughter and my children too. They held "Christian" Birthday
Parties in their garden and used that as an opportunity to trap and
groom other little girls in the area.
Time went by and I stupidly
thought the changes in my older daughter were something to do with
being a teenager. The changes were due to her being involved in group
sex sessions with the Godsons and their growing group of desciples. My
youngest daughter was raped at one of the "Christian" Birthday Parties. I
knew something terrible had happened but I thought it was to do with a
row with her best school friend. I had no idea she was in physical pain.
puzzle was how the immediate neighbours of the Godsons went from
amiable smiles to glaring at visitors to the Godsons. The Godsons lied
to me and said it was over a boundary dispute. It was in fact because
the Godson House had become a brothel for teenage girls including my
oldest daughter. My oldest daughter was being sold to local councillors,
local Garda, local tradesmen in return for their silence and
cooperation. My 14yo was the prime attraction together with the Godson
Suddenly, the Godsons were gone. Everything packed up and transported so rapidly that no one knew what to think.
write this because Chris & Clare Godson have been in France for
11years and apparently are up to the same tricks again. Now they have
websites: and They have a "Christian"
B&B designed to snare pilgrims. I hope this article saves a family
from the pain we still feel 20 years later.
Treatment essential for the Godson couple after detention;
“Paedophiles have a mindset different from other people’s, most of them
think that what they are doing is quite normal and they reoffend at
every given opportunity.”
This comment about Chris and Clare Godson dramatically illustrates the
the issues raised by our on-going investigation………it also shows how
important it is for us to WARN visitors to Benevent l’Abbaye and young
families in La Creuse. Despite our vigilence pilgrims stiil innocently
wander into the Godson B&B……….although admittedly the Godsons are
muting their activities as a response to the growing media scrutiny.
One of the main problems we face at the moment is that Benevent l’Abbaye
has become a “cult compound” since the arrival of Chris and Clare
Godson in 2004. They added a further 10 properties to their portfolio
and these serve to accommodate recruits/converts/slave labour/pilgrims.
Informants now suggest that the portfolio contains 20+ properties.
Cult members are easily identified in Benevent l’Abbaye, they are mostly
English and have permanently vacant expressions and cannot look you in
the eye! They seem to cringe and look creepy!!!!!
Senior cult members are very much a closed community and like Chris and Clare Godson themselves deeply paranoid.
A 49-year-old man has been jailed for eight years for possessing nearly 70,000 indecent images of children.
Jonathan Richard Godson supplied thousands of indecent images of children via two websites.
The forty nine year old was the administrator of a website that distributed the images.
Jersey Police say he is a danger to young people.
Detective Inspector Paul Kennea
said, “Jonathan Godson was a prolific supplier of indecent images of
children and it is likely this behaviour would have continued if he was
not caught.
“He not only downloaded
indecent images of children, but actively shared them with others, thus
encouraging further offending, and further adding to the suffering of
“He possessed thousands of images of children and hours of video.
“Every indecent image of
children contains a victim of crime, and we will continue to actively
pursue people who are connected to indecent images offences, whether
that is the production, distribution or possession of such images.”
A Jersey police officer has helped crack an international paedophile ring.
Det Con Pat Forde's work follows the jailing of Jonathan Godson, 49, of St Ouen, for uploading and sharing indecent images of children on the web.
The officer, from the force's hi-tech crimes unit, broke an encryption on Godson's computer to uncover evidence of the group.
Michael Cotter, the United States Attorney for the District Of Montana, has praised his "exceptional work".
files Det Con Forde accessed showed Godson had been the administrator
of the paedophile picture forum, called Kingdom of Future Dreams.
'Instrumental to prosecution'
as Legion, Godson had deleted his data but the officer was able to
recover a complete backup of the forum from the encrypted folder.
Det Con Forde evidence led to 13 individuals from across the US being charged.
Eleven pleaded guilty to conspiracy to advertise child pornography and have been sentenced to a combined total of 183 years in prison.
other two, Joshua Peterson, 45, of Prescott, Arizona, and Steven Grove,
35, of Shirley, Massachusetts, were found guilty in cases heard last
month, at which Det Con Forde testified.
Both men are due to be sentenced in January.
a letter written to Mike Boron, the island's chief officer of police,
Mr Cotter described Det Con Forde as a "great credit" to the force.
Cotter said he had been "instrumental to the successful prosecution"
and the help of such a small-sized force was not "unnoticed or
A Jersey police officer has helped jail 11 paedophiles who were part of a global paedophile ring.
Detective Constable Pat Forde cracked a password on an encrypted
back-up copy of a paedophile forum, giving vital information to the FBI.
The forum allowed members to exchange images and videos, including child pornography.
The encrypted copy was found following the arrest of islander
Jonathan Richard Godson who ran two paedophile websites from Jersey. He
was later jailed by the Royal Court for eight years.
The information found by DC Forde meant the FBI were able to carry
out a series of raids across the US. 13 men were arrested and several
abused children were rescued.
11 of those who were arrested pleaded guilty and have been sentenced to between 15 and 18 and a half years each.
Two pleaded not guilty, although have since been found guilty at a
trial in Montana last month, at which DC Forde gave evidence. They are
due to be sentenced next month.
The US Department has now praised the States of Jersey Police, and in
particular DC Forde, for their part in bringing down the network.
Clare Godson: the early years.
Posted on
My friend and colleague, journalist Robert Cahill, remarked in 2009
that we “hover between pity and loathing” for this woman. She was born
into a hopelessly dysfunctional family setting where she was bruised and
warped by the abuse and cruelty of her, East End racketeer, father
Harry Soden. It was decided, at some stage in her childhood, to wash
away the lowly East End roots and put the girl into a Surrey boarding
school where she could have a thin veneer of “poshness” and
respectability applied. It was at this school that Clare Soden thrived
as the merciless leader of a “pack” of bullies. In recent months there
has been an outpouring of memories of misery by the bullied, indeed many
of the victims demanding justice and something close to revenge. It is
quite a difficult path for us to keep our WHISTLEBLOWER Blog
dispassionate when we hear of the suffering inflicted by this very
disturbed woman when a child herself.
When you learn about sexual abuse of this extreme kind it is very hard to present a balanced article/post.
Our correspondents, from this period, speak of the fear engendered by
coming into contact with Clare. We understand that Clare spared no one.
Young pupils begged their parents to take them away. The bullying was
institutionalised when Clare wangled the position of “Head Girl.” This
gave the young Clare, exhibiting obvious personality disorders, a chance
to create protection rackets worthy of her East End roots. In this sad
time for the school, Clare hunted and tormented anyone she perceived as
an intellectually gifted pupil or alternatively vulnerable to extreme
bullying. Our correspondents all assert that savage beatings were the
norm under the umbrella of the “Head Girl” title. Many of our
correspondents speak of extreme sexual perversion already evident in
Clare’s “capricious punishments” for the target pupil. It did seem to
pupils at the time that nothing could touch Clare Soden. A parent might
complain to the Head or teachers about the bullying and find that it
gave Clare a further opportunity to single out the child of the
complainer and make their life a world of misery. This must have been an
incredibly dark period in the history of B****** School. Boarding
schools of this type were closed communities where horrific bullying and
perversion could go unchallenged. Our correspondents all assert that
the staff were deeply frightened of Clare Soden and seemed unable to
control the “gang” activities she introduced. They all suggest that
Clare was blackmailing staff members. Clare tortured new pupils with
impunity and exacted heavy payments for small favours. Failing to pay
Clare Soden produced far worse than a “slapping” for the target pupil.
Clare was at this time developing forms of psychological torture that
she has brought to the service of the foundation USA cult and to her
offshoot cult in Benevent l’Abbaye. She was also perfecting ways of
draining funds from the vulnerable that she has brought to the service
of the present cult. It can be no surprise that someone brought up in a
climate of shameful parental abuse, deprived of even the basic norms of
behaviour, should go on to create one of the most evil cults we have
investigated. It comes as no surprise that, under the umbrella of a
“Christian outreach programme” in the far East, she should form a
relationship with an old-fashioned “perv” who would eventually become
her husband and joint leader of the cult. This gave them an opportunity
to brand themselves as former “missionaries” in their early advertising
in 2004. This tawdry claim has been deleted from much of their present
adverts as more evidence of criminality has come to light. Her husband
has the far from affectionate nick of “Creeeeepy Chris” in the Benevent
l’Abbaye area.
“HOWEVER, looking back (so easy to read things in retrospectively),
what the Godsons told me of their story (moving constantly from country
to country) fitted in with the internet stories, and I have to say Chris
Godson was not a man I’d wish to meet on a dark night alone.” Quote
from Scruffy1.
Ariela Cohen March 2014.
Back in jail: Twitter perv
A paedophile has been jailed and an international child abuse network uncovered on Twitter after a Sunday Mirror investigation.
Police arrested the pervert only two hours after we handed over
disturbing evidence of offenders trading vile images worldwide using
the site.
And the railway engineer, 36, was put straight behind bars as it
emerged he was a registered sex offender released early a few months
Detectives are expected to make further UK arrests after we
discovered 34 suspect Twitter accounts and dozens of child abuse images,
with victims as young as four.
A number of the seized man’s followers hinted they were based
overseas in France, America and the Far East during our undercover
operation. Police are likely to liaise with foreign forces to track down
their IP addresses.
The railwayman from Swindon, who cannot be named for legal reasons,
is the second paedophile to be caught as a result of our ongoing probe
into Twitter after Olympic worker Ian Edwards was sentenced to 18 months
in June.
Our investigators joined forces with child protection expert Mark
Williams-Thomas, who exposed Jimmy Savile, after spotting the
newly-released prisoner at work on the social network.
The man signed up on August 7 and posted 261 tweets with dozens of
sick images in just one week, quickly gathering 181 followers, including
our undercover reporter.
Mr Williams-Thomas said many of the man’s depraved images, depicting
victims as young as four, fell within serious categories of child abuse.
Posing as a paedophile, our investigator sent a direct message to the
man on Wednesday night just as he changed his profile snap to a child
in underwear. The pervert said of the images he had posted: “I think I’m
sailing close to the wind but I’ve also seen naughtier.”
In one message, he said he lived in Wiltshire and was a Network Rail
contractor before revealing: “Seen my first ever video clip tonight on
Kik is a Canadian-owned messaging app popular with children. West
Sussex police have been investigating complaints from parents that girls
aged 12 have asked to send indecent images of themselves to other
The direct messages continued into the early hours of Thursday. Our
investigator asked him where he got images and if he used file sharing
The offender said: “Na, I would never touch file sharing sites. Most
have been thro mail.” He also confirmed knowledge of a well-known
phrase often used by paedophiles to locate indecent images online of
He told our man: “Thought with [deleted] you might have had a lil
collection. Or at least know where to find folks. To swap mail. I’m
surprised with what some post.”
Our man acknowledged it was risky sharing material and asked him for
his age preference for images. The paedophile replied: “I try to keep
small amounts an quite often delete & destroy. I also live in that
fear. Young.”
He gave our investigator full access to all his pictures and
sickening conversations with other perverts. They ranged from a married
dad in the Midlands to perverts in the Far East.
Unaware the man was a convicted paedophile, we handed our evidence
to Wiltshire police who immediately contacted Mr Williams-Thomas for
his expert opinion on the images the man had posted. Mr Williams-Thomas
said later: “He made very little effort to hide. He openly posted child
abuse images and discussed with other UK users the sexual abuse of young
“Twitter needs to get proactive. It’s a playground for child abusers.”
Two hours after we handed over the information, officers visited an
address in Swindon and arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion of
possessing indecent images. He was found to be in breach of his licence
conditions. He has been recalled to prison.
Last year he was jailed for two years at Swindon crown court after
pleading guilty to possessing prohibited images of a child and making
and distributing images of extreme pornography, including bestiality.
Police are understood to be investigating the man regarding alleged new
offences after removing material from a property.
Wiltshire acting Det Chief Insp Mike Selbie said: “We would like to
thank the Sunday Mirror for the evidence they presented in this matter.
“Although offenders like this man are managed while on licence, this
highlights the importance of the public reporting wrongdoing. This
information enables police to take quick action to prevent further
We have also handed evidence of the suspect Twitter accounts to the
renowned Child Exploitation Online Protection centre, which tracks online sex offenders around the world.
Just weeks ago we tracked down Brit Michael Murphy living in Spain who posted vile images of boys on the site.
In June, paedophile Edwards was jailed for 18 months after we caught him trading child sex abuse images.
Edwards, 50, of East London, confessed to police he had been
exchanging the sick material for years. When he was arrested a year ago
we lobbied Twitter to clean up its act after finding 200 perverts
trading material online. With the backing of child protection experts,
charities and MPs, we demanded action from the site.
It said it was introducing photoDNA software to help identity child
abuse images and it recruited extra staff to its safety and security
A Twitter spokesman said: “When we are made aware of links to content
promoting child sexual exploitation they will be removed and reported
to The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
“We permanently suspend accounts promoting or containing updates with links to child
Norway’s National Criminal Investigation Service (Kripos) raided
the homes of scores of suspects on Wednesday morning, seizing 173
computers and 469 storage devices which have since been found to hold
some 600,000 images of children.
“Now, 29 hours after the operation began, we have questioned and
charged 73 people. Forty-four of these have admitted guilt,” the
Kripos’s Bjørn-Erik Ludvigsen said in a press conference on Thursday.
Many of the people to be charged, who were all users of the
file-sharing network eDonkey2000, had been previously convicted of
abusing children.
“In about 30 percent of the cases, those who are suspected of or
charged with distributing images are also physical abusers,” said Lena
Reif, head of the NCIS’s sexual crime unit.
Peterborough: Police smash ‘biggest child-sex ring’ in the UK
Six men have been arrested and almost 50 alleged victims of rape, abuse and sex slavery aged as young as 12
Gang is suspected of abusing under-age girls in Peterborough (Picture posed by model)
Police believe they have smashed what could be Britain’s biggest child-sex ring.
Six men have been arrested so far and officers have identified almost
50 alleged victims of rape, abuse and sex slavery aged as young as 12.
Detectives fear those numbers could easily reach more than 100 in a case potentially bigger than the Rochdale grooming scandal.
The men suspected of carrying out the abuse are of various nationalities, a source said.
Police originally believed they were dealing with two separate rings operating in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.
But they now suspect a large gang was targeting vulnerable youngsters across the city.
Officers have already taken statements from 10 girls but there are a
further 37 who they think were abused and are waiting to interview.
The number of alleged victims already equals the toll of the previous
worst child sex ring uncovered. That was in Rochdale last year, where a
gang of Asian men abused 47 victims from troubled backgrounds.
Our source said: “The investigation has only just started, but this
could be the worst child sex slave ring the country has seen so far.
“Police and social workers are doing their utmost to identify other
perpetrators and victims but it is too early to say how many there
could be.
“The men are suspected of targeting vulnerable girls in care or outside schools for grooming.
“They would allegedly give them booze, drugs or money before using them as sex slaves.”
The arrests were made after two Cambridgeshire police operations,
codenamed Earl and Jardine, were launched into child grooming in
Peterborough in the wake of the Rochdale scandal.
A damning Ofsted report 18 months ago had found the city’s council had failed to adequately protect vulnerable children.
The “serious deficiencies” discovered led to the resignation of the city’s director of Children’s Services John Richards.
The city councillor in charge of Children’s Services, Sheila Scott,
said she was told of the allegations at the start of the year – and
that the council backed the police investigation.
A council source said: “You have a horror this abuse may be happening
on your patch, but huge relief that it has been found out. The
allegations are appalling.”
All six men suspected of grooming the youngsters are on bail and have not been charged.
The nine men convicted in the Rochdale scandal were given sentences
from four to 19 years for plying girls as young as 10 with booze and
drugs before abusing them between 2008 and 2009. The judge said they
treated their victims “as though they were worthless and beyond
In 2010 five men from Rotherham were jailed after being found guilty
of grooming young girls for sex. Nine men were jailed for abusing 27
girls in Derby.
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Thirty-one children and babies who were
repeatedly abused live for an internet chatroom have been rescued from
homes in the UK and abroad following the biggest international
investigation so far into an online paedophile ring.Officers from
Britain’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre worked for 10
months with detectives from 35 other countries to identify and rescue
the children, who were being abused and filmed live for the thousands of
members of the chatroom. More than 15 of the children and babies were
found in Britain and handed over to the care of social services.The
international inquiry, in which specialist detectives with experience
in counter-terrorism posed as paedophiles online, led yesterday to the
jailing of Timothy David Martyn Cox, the British “godfather” of the
paedophile ring.Cox, 27, who
lived at his parents’ farmhouse in Buxhall, Suffolk, used the pseudonym
Son of God to run the chatroom Kids the Light of Our Lives, a forum on
which paedophiles shared live images of the abuse of children.
Cox, who ran the operation from a computer in his bedroom, was given
an indeterminate jail sentence at Ipswich crown court yesterday after
admitting nine offences relating to the possession and distribution of
indecent images of children. Judge Peter Thompson said Cox would stay in
prison until experts decided it was safe to release him.
A second British mastermind, Gordon McIntosh, 32, was also identified
and arrested at his home in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, during
the investigation. McIntosh, who took over the running of the chatroom
after Cox’s arrest in September, will be sentenced on June 29 after
pleading guilty to 27 charges of making, possessing and distributing
indecent images and films. Police said among 392 indecent film files in
McIntosh’s possession were videos of babies being raped.
More than 700 chatroom members, including 200 in Britain, are still
being investigated. Among those already in prison are a 32-year-old from
Stockport, Greater Manchester, who was jailed for a minimum of seven
years last week after admitting child rape, and Graham Conridge, 60, a
music teacher from Bedford who posed online as a teenage boy to persuade
girls to strip and perform indecent acts in front of webcams. He was
jailed for 32 months in April.
Jim Gamble, the chief executive of the online protection centre, said
yesterday paedophiles had earned their place in the chatroom by proving
they could procure and circulate images of serious abuse.
“From the apparent safety of his home, Cox spent hours each day
planning, promoting and encouraging the abuse of innocent young
victims,” Mr Gamble said. “He provided a service to hundreds of
like-minded individuals.”
Cox lived with his father David, an accountant, mother Mavis and
sister Louise at their farmhouse, where the family ran a microbrewery.
A single man with no children, he was a member in 2005 of an online
paedophile chatroom known as Kiddypics, which was run by Raymond Weller,
an American, who called himself God. When Weller was arrested at his
home in Tennessee in March 2006, Cox took over as host of a new
chatroom, identifying his links to Weller by calling himself Son of God.
But in August last year, officers from Toronto police identified a
Briton as the new chatroom host and tipped off British investigators,
who began an undercover operation with colleagues from Canada, America
and Australia. They identified Cox and moved to arrest him at his home
in September last year while he was online. As he was led away officers
assumed his identity in the chatroom, posting a message on the site
saying: “Son of God has gone for his tea and will be back in 30 minutes”
to avoid arousing suspicions.
Over 10 days, officers posed as Cox to gather evidence on the
thousands of members of the peer-to-peer website. Detectives found
75,960 indecent and explicit images on the computer in Cox’s bedroom and
evidence that he had supplied 11,491 images to other chatroom members.
Detective Sergeant Carl Fisher, of Suffolk police, said: “He showed
no remorse when he was arrested. Our officers spent three months viewing
the images and categorising them and they were the worst things we have
ever seen.” The sting
When officers sat at Timothy Cox’s computer and began communicating
with members of his chatroom, they discovered 70 men were queueing to
view an image of live abuse which was being circulated at the time.
Only minutes earlier, Cox had been led away in handcuffs and the
detectives were assuming his online identity – Son of God – to gather
evidence on the chatroom members.
Without circulating or procuring any images of abuse themselves, the
officers spent 10 days “chatting” with hundreds of paedophiles from
across the world. They encouraged members to talk about the abuse they
were carrying out, the images they were procuring and circulating and
what other abuse they had planned. As each man communicated in the
chatroom his details were copied and sent to specialist online
codebreakers for him to be identified.
Prospective members gained entry to the chatroom by impressing Cox
and his lieutenants with the images they were able to procure.
Unlike many paedophile rings online, the abuse was carried out in
real time and placed live online. It was the knowledge that so many
children and babies were at risk that prompted officers to move quickly.
A 49-year-old man has been jailed for eight years for possessing nearly 70,000 indecent images of children.
Jonathan Richard Godson supplied thousands of indecent images of children via two websites.
Jersey Police say he is a danger to young people.
Inspector Paul Kennea said, "Jonathan Godson was a prolific supplier of
indecent images of children and it is likely this behaviour would have
continued if he was not caught.
not only downloaded indecent images of children, but actively shared
them with others, thus encouraging further offending, and further adding
to the suffering of victims.
"He possessed thousands of images of children and hours of video.
"Every indecent
image of children contains a victim of crime, and we will continue to
actively pursue people who are connected to indecent images offences,
whether that is the production, distribution or possession of such
"Many More Arrests On The Cards?"
"He not only downloaded indecent images of children,
but actively shared them with others."
The Godson Cult in action:
The Godson Cult has done everything in its power to silence these claims of abuse and dismiss them as baseless.
They deny the well-founded and sworn testimony of abuse that we have in
our archives and supplied to us by traumatized victims of Chris and
Clare Godson.
Despite all of the vast and varied claims against him from around the
world, and spanning from the creepy to the criminal in the case of most
allegations against him, Godson still seems untouchable!
Even a strong admirer/devotee of Godson basically admits he’s a perv!
Let’s face it: no one likes Clare……….
Kelleher Newdesk takes a position on the future management of Chris and Clare Godson:
It is Kelleher newsdesks’ position that all child sex offenders should
be sentenced indefinitely with a minimum custodial period set by a
specialist judiciary, followed by a mandatory conditional release
period and on-going monitoring and treatment.
This treatment needs to include individually-tailored case management and risk assessment utilising a battery of reliable tools.
Offenders of the Godson type should only be considered for release on
the completion of their term of detention, and/or when they have
demonstrated to the satisfaction of a specialist “risk management board”
that they have successfully completed rehabilitation and their risk of
harm to the community is negligible. Obviously, work that directly puts
them into contact with vulnerable members of the public like the
presently operated B&B, gites or so-called “pilgrim dormitory”
should be forbidden by the Court/Tribunal in the appropriate
“People of this type show no guilt/remorse and only cry when a Judge
suggests a long and deserved sentence for their paedophile crimes.”
Some of the harrowing accounts of abuse in the Godson Cult have been
edited or disguised to protect the victims and their confidentiality.
This editing has been necessary because the victims have been subjected
to intolerable harassment and vindictiveness by Chris and Clare Godson.
This harassment has included: hoax phone calls; threats to employment;
threats to the children of victims; threats to relatives/parents of
victims of Chris and Clare Godson.
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