zaterdag 24 december 2016

Benevent l'Abbaye: lachouette B&B and the Godson Cult. It is now time to update and simplify our guidelines for coming into contact with this cult and the leadership of Chris & Clare Godson: The Godson Cult: avoid introducing anyone under the age of 18yo to Chris or Clare Godson; avoid introducing anyone who is vulnerable to the cult leadership; do not book anyone under the age of 18yo into the gites or B&B operated by the cult in Benevent l’Abbaye; do not leave any family members alone with the cult leadership; avoid talking about your family to Chris & Clare Godson; do not give information about younger members of family or their places of education; do not leave any sensitive material about your family in your rooms if you are forced to stay in cult accommodation; do not leave passports or valuables in your rooms; secure all your room doors overnight/put a chair or item of furniture against the door; make sure that you inform friends and family if you are forced to stay in cult operated gites or B&B in Benevent l’Abbaye (this applies to all ages); make sure that family and friends are aware of your whereabouts after any stay with the Godsons; establish a routine time for a phone call to friends and family; be prepared to report any alarming behaviour by the cult leadership to the Gendarmerie or Police; resist threats or aggressive persuasion used by the cult leadership; avoid contact with any of the “helpers” they are usually teen and underage girls recruited to compromise guests and make them vulnerable to blackmail, please remember that you are dealing with predatory paedophiles who have prostituted young girls for over 20 years; if you are blackmailed by the cult leadership contact the Gendarmerie or Police in Gueret (also; do not accept lifts or offers of assistance from the cult leadership; do not accept invitations to lunch or supper with the cult leadership; do not offer any views on religion or start a discussion on religion with the Godson couple; do not accept for one minute that the Godsons were missionaries in the accepted sense, they operated child brothels in Thailand and Cambodia; email if you need urgent advice concerning the “activities” of Chris and Clare Godson; if you withdraw from a contract/commission with Chris Godson do not be bullied with threats of legal action but report the matter to the authorities responsible for commerce in France: if Godson piles on “extras” resist all threats and report the matter; the Godson couple market their gites, B&B, fosse septique, building enterprise with (understandably) no mention of their predatory paedophile cult, be very careful in your contact with them. Entrapment links:;;; They also claim bogus missionary status on a number of Camino websites. This WHISTLEBLOWER Blog performs an essential service!

Benevent l'Abbaye: lachouette B&B and the Godson Cult.

It is now time to update and simplify our guidelines for coming into contact with this cult and the leadership of Chris & Clare Godson:

The Godson Cult:
avoid introducing anyone under the age of 18yo to Chris or Clare Godson;
avoid introducing anyone who is vulnerable to the cult leadership;
do not book anyone under the age of 18yo into the gites or B&B operated by the cult in Benevent l’Abbaye;
do not leave any family members alone with the cult leadership;
avoid talking about your family to Chris & Clare Godson;
do not give information about younger members of family or their places of education;
do not leave any sensitive material about your family in your rooms if you are forced to stay in cult accommodation;
do not leave passports or valuables in your rooms;
secure all your room doors overnight/put a chair or item of furniture against the door;
make sure that you inform friends and family if you are forced to stay in cult operated gites or B&B in Benevent l’Abbaye (this applies to all ages);
make sure that family and friends are aware of your whereabouts after any stay with the Godsons;
establish a routine time for a phone call to friends and family;
be prepared to report any alarming behaviour by the cult leadership to the Gendarmerie or Police;
resist threats or aggressive persuasion used by the cult leadership;
avoid contact with any of the “helpers” they are usually teen and underage girls recruited to compromise guests and make them vulnerable to blackmail, please remember that you are dealing with predatory paedophiles who have prostituted young girls for over 20 years;
if you are blackmailed by the cult leadership contact the Gendarmerie or Police in Gueret (also;
do not accept lifts or offers of assistance from the cult leadership;
do not accept invitations to lunch or supper with the cult leadership;
do not offer any views on religion or start a discussion on religion with the Godson couple;
do not accept for one minute that the Godsons were missionaries in the accepted sense, they operated child brothels in Thailand and Cambodia;
email    if you need urgent advice concerning the “activities” of Chris and Clare Godson;
if you withdraw from a contract/commission with Chris Godson do not be bullied with threats of legal action but report the matter to the authorities responsible for commerce in France:
if Godson piles on “extras” resist all threats and report the matter;
the Godson couple market their gites, B&B, fosse septique, building enterprise with  (understandably)  no mention of their predatory paedophile cult, be very careful in your contact with them. Entrapment links:;;; They also claim bogus missionary status on a number of Camino websites.
This WHISTLEBLOWER Blog performs an essential service!

Chris and Clare Godson in Benevent l'Abbaye:

A few years ago, it would have been unimaginable to publish a serious investigative article on childhood sexual abuse by female perpetrators.
Many people still find it very distasteful to discover that a woman was, and remains,  the prime mover in the abuse of children on an almost industrial scale, and that this shameful activity took place under the umbrella of evangelical "born again" Christianity.
We at Kelleher Newsdesk much prefer to refer to this so called "prayer group" as a pseudo-Christian cult,  that just might as easily be described as a satanic based paedophile ring. That is why we continue to update this WHISTLEBLOWER Blog in order that the revenue stream of this predatory cult is limited!
 We have sifted through stomach churning sworn statements from victims of this cult which alert us to the appalling danger still posed by the leadership now comfortably settled in Central France.
Certainly we at Kelleher Newsdesk have learnt from emerging research that sexual abuse by women may well not be as infrequent as we have previously understood. We originally thought that the sordid depravity of the Godson Cult was unique!
While indeed the majority of sexual abuse is perpetrated by male offenders, our responsibility to child victims and adult survivors of female offenders means that we must continue to make the protection of the public from this cult our paramount concern.
Sadly, there are still both children and adults who are disbelieved when they first disclose sexual abuse by a woman. The cult leadership relies on this disbelief!  In fact, we received, a while ago, a sneering email from Clare Godson where she confidently stated that no one will believe our WHISTLEBLOWER Blog(s).
The Godson Cult has highlighted the suspicious blunders made by the police and LEA in previous investigations into this cult. We continue to worry that the Godsons have obtained, with funds derived from cult "activities,"  over 20+ properties in Benevent l'Abbaye. These properties have large stone, vaulted, dungeonlike cellars.
Victims in Ireland testify to the fact that they were sexually tortured in dark cellars to the mumbling of "nonsense" incantations by the leadership!
The authorities in Ireland have tried to fend off criticism that they ignored suspicious signs from the Godson house in Wicklow.
The Godson Cult, following the example of the original in the USA, discovered that a change of location and a change of cult name usually made scandal go away. A compliant police force  with previous "interest"  in the Christian "activities" of the cult (the cult meatrack of teenage girls was very persuasive) would sweep everything under the proverbial carpet..................leaving victims vulnerable to overdoses or convenient accidents.
Anyone in the Media,  or just a neighbour,  taking too much interest in investigating the leadership became the subject of absolutely vicious hate campaigns and some investigators/whistleblowers "disappeared" or died in unexplained road accidents.

At this stage in the game, an investigative journalist hot on the trail of a harmful/destructive cult gets a chance to draw in testimony/witness statements that would in normal journalism take weeks of travel and knocking on doors.
The BLOG provides us with an opportunity to let the victims find us and speak.
Some will be brave enough to give their names and share their terrible experiences in the Godson Cult. Some of our comments (received by email) are from people so shattered they fear revenge from the cult leaders.
Some of our contributors have been battered into submission by a vendetta orchestrated by the cult leaders. The cult leaders seem to be able to set up shop with impunity and advertise on reputable sites that are glad to have the revenue and nervous of asking too much about the credentials of the ******s. Chris and Clare Godson assert that no one will believe the victims or this WHISTLEBLOWER Blog.

TIME to repeat the comment Clare Godson made recently, with a degree of candour, and clearly she did not expect us to include it on this blog:
"such an interesting and uncannily accurate blog."

Our research reveals that It was a bad start in life which was bound to result in a screwed up personality, Clare Godson was cruelly treated and abused by her Father (H. Soden) who was a sociopath.
He was also by all accounts an East End racketeer with a fairly relaxed attitude to tax and the finer points of the law. He had a few interesting brushes with the Courts, and certainly a few convictions. One of our sources claims that Harry Soden had a friendly nodding contact with the Krays. He made his money and shoved Clare into an also ran boarding school in Surrey where she learnt the art of being a snobbish tyrant and bully. This is confirmed by her peers who have made contact with us. Screwed up and not surprisingly inadequate she looked for opportunities to dominate and direct the lives of others.
We hope that she will give herself a chance to express remorse and stop visiting her troubled inner self on other vulnerable people. We should feel sorrow for her state!
The Batley Cult in Kidwelly was a pretty amateurish set-up in comparison with the Godsons in Ireland and Benevent l'Abbaye:   five found guilty in sex cult trial (By Robin Turner, WalesOnline Mar 9 2011).   The jury in the trial of five people accused of using a black magic influenced cult to sexually abuse children and young adults in Carmarthenshire has found five defendents guilty of 39 serious sex offences. At Swansea Crown Court, alleged cult leader Colin Batley, 48, was found guilty of 27 offences including rape, buggery, indecency with children and causing prostitution. His wife, Elaine Batley, 47, was convicted of 5 offences, including indecency with a child and indecent assault. Shelly Millar, 35, was convicted of two counts of indecency with children. Jackie Marling, Batley's lover, was convicted of five offences including aiding and abetting rape and indecency with a child. Peter Murphy QC, prosecuting, has alleged the four established their own religion  which preached free sex and was loosely influenced by notorious English occultist Aleister Crowley.

One of the victims of the Godson Cult in Ireland has released her entire story to us. It is so graphic and heart-rending that we have failed to edit it into a form suitable for this BLOG.

Of course, the big debate remains:  which country has the jursdiction for the trial and what form of long term sentence is appropriate for Chris and Clare Godson,  and whether it is even possible to rehabilitate people of this type.
We would certainly appreciate more of your comments provided that they do not include rough justice and violent solutions for this couple! We do understand that those people harmed in Ireland,  by this couple, feel great revulsion and anger for Chris and Clare Godson. Events in Kidwelly demonstrate the evil tendencies of vicious predatory cults that cloak themselves in a pretended evangelical religiosity. We can never completely protect the vulnerable from falling into the clutches of Chris and Clare Godson but this Blog WARNS people to be on their guard and understand the hidden history of the Godsons.

Ariela Cohen.    September 2013.

News Report - Who killed Trent Keegan?   Trent Keegan was a remarkably brave jounalist who died just after probing land theft and corruption in Tanzania.  Kelleher Newsdesk is proud to acknowledge his friendship and contribution to WHISTLEBLOWER journalism. His computer records/video clips/photographs mysteriously turned up in the possession of the very people he was investigating........................

Kelleher Newsdesk is only too aware of the risks it is taking in exposing wrongdoing and depravity.
Threatening the revenue stream of a sick cult that thrives on misery has not endeared us to the cult leadership or indeed the band of degenerates that cling to it.
The cult leadership constantly demands to know the exact identities of the victims/survivors and their families in order to go to them and with a meaningful chat make the accusers fade away.
A WHISTLEBLOWER  journalist sticks with the story in hand and resists threats.  We owe this protection and confidentiality to the many victims!

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